The trends of today suggest a term Blockchain technology  which might look simpler in terms of words but not so if we look deep into it.

What exactly is Blockchain?

Block chain is basically a public data storage system in chronological order. The major feature that hypes the term is that block chain records are encrypted with cryptography which makes it difficult to be tampered with.

Let’s hop into the topic. Block chain and real estate has now become one on one, and Codeares has developed apps using block chain for real estate transactions.

Why Codeares’s Blockchain for real estate app development services?

1. Open to new platforms and Marketplaces

Blockchain technology with Codeares has made real estate easier and secure by introducing new platforms and marketplaces where transactions are encrypted and stored safely in chronological order. This makes the record easier to access and at the same time more secure and reliable.

2. Increasing liquidity:

Tokenization of physical assets has been made possible with the help of Codeares’s secured Blockchain technology .  The tokens of blockchain technology in real estate use a chain of blocks programmed with cryptography to help secure, manage, and verify each transaction.

Real estate assets are now tradable in a marketplace thanks to this enhanced liquidity. This one-time occurrence boosts the capital invested in real estate, and makes the asset sectors more accessible.

3. Decentralization:

One of the major facts that real estate is taking its turn more towards the Blockchain technology  is its decentralized system. Back then, when the records were in hardcore format one has to rely on physical documents which are prone to damage, tampering, illegal activities are now overtaken by the secured and encrypted system of blockchain. With Codeares, all the records can be accessed with ease and more importantly in a highly secure manner.

4. Faster Process:

Blockchain with Codeares has made the process of transactions in real estate faster and easier. As users have access to all the information stored in the blockchain, they save a considerable amount of time in obtaining data relating to a property or land — title deeds, land registry, technical information and surveys, co-ownership information, all of it becomes available 24/7, with real-time data and instant validation. This technology with us is a real revolution for real estate professionals and investors alike.

5. Transparency:

Blockchain not only gave the above advantages, it gave our customers the trust that it works with transparency. It reduced their dependency on real estate brokers, increased cost efficiency, works faster and is easier to rely on. This system of eliminating all the intermediaries made the link only between buyers and sellers thus increasing the confidentiality of transactions.

These are the major points that shows how blockchain can affect the Real estate and its overall system. Blockchain technology disrupts the overall financial and currency services of a system irrespective of the industry that is being ruled by it. Moreover, the profits are rising due to the elimination of middlemen costs and the buyers can save a lot of money because of its high transparency feature.

What mobile application development companies like Codeares have to do?

With profound knowledge and experience in developing and managing decentralized solutions, Codeares ‘s Blockchain will bring a radical change in the business world with its characteristics of decentralization, immutability, transparency, and distributed ledger.

The most important parts of real estate that are being changed by mobile application development are:

  • Property search process
  • Due diligence and financial evaluation process
  • Property management
  • Financial systems


Real estate app development and application

A rapidly developing market does not leave a chance for mistakes.

As the real estate market adopts and adapts to new challenges, there is a high demand to keep up with those changes. Professionally developed real estate tools have a significant effect on the market as they allow us to simplify processes and make renting, selling, or buying less complicated yet more effective and efficient.

Apps for realtors

Codeares’s Custom apps for realtors necessarily cover all basic features that simplify the process, making it more effective.

Household management apps

In the real estate market, our apps help track the current state of the houses and apartments available for rent or selling.

Property listing apps

Codeares’s Property listing apps provide clients with the lists of houses and apartments available on the market.

Property management apps

Codeares ‘s real estate application software solutions are designed to provide property managers with an overview of process with their properties at any given time and day. With this application analysis of data, management of property process has become easier to work with.


The future is all about the digital world and with emerging technology it sure is to take over the future systems, not only in real estate but also in other sectors. This leap in the system with Codeares and its profound services in the sector of software development and design of blockchain related real estate projects will make the job faster, easier and secure in all ways.