CodeAres ERP Software Development, We will help you to set inventory goals and simplify distribution resource planning in an easy and innovative way. Real-time data on a company’s supply chain will help identify areas of inefficiency, providing greater control and management over inventory thus improvising efficiency.

The covid-19 epidemic has made the food and beverage industry face an unprecedented crisis in 2020. As a result, many organizations had revised their operational strategies to address the challenges of consumer demand volatility, market uncertainty, and ongoing supply. chain disruption. 

Proper technology plays an important role in promoting sustainability and in influencing business processes to help organizations recover from the catastrophic losses and continue to grow. 

After all, the ERP of the food and beverage industry is popular with many companies as business software that has helped them grow their money and recover from the damage they suffered in the beginning and during the covid-19 violence. 

As more organizations began to rely on ERP software solutions to run their businesses, these programs continued to evolve to support a wider range of complex operations. In this article, we will introduce ERP food trends around the world that we can expect this year and beyond.   

erp software development company

Why Is ERP Software So Important? 

Every company aims to improve the process and performance of services. ERP solutions have made it possible. The program has acquired the ability to expand its reach in support of almost all business operations. From accounting for human resources to marketing and sales to purchasing and other important processes, businesses rely on the ERP system to reduce costs by eliminating unnecessary processes and performing repetitive daily tasks automatically. 

Not surprisingly, companies that have not yet invested in ERP solutions still need to get one soon to gain access to the digital ecosystem to reduce downtime. 

Major ERP Technical Trends We Get to See in 2021 

Food and beverage companies deal with fruits and vegetables and other perishable foods naturally. These must be sold promptly or carefully stored to maintain the quality required by consumers. The covid-19 crisis has put a lot of pressure on the supply chain of food hindrances in purchasing, processing, and shipping and major changes in consumer needs. 

Integrated ERP solutions help companies easily manage this complex process. Here are five major ERP food and beverage 2021 strategies that enable businesses to overcome the drawback and influence their transition to digital use. 

1. Moving on to Cloud 

The cloud continues to dominate ERP trends. 

While some food and beverage organizations still run ERP programs in buildings, the epidemic that leads to closure and social isolation has highlighted the fact that software solutions that can be easily found anywhere are more needed than ever before. 

Cloud-based technology brings the benefits of connectivity and speed. Switching from on-site ERP software to cloud-based applications has enabled users to work anywhere, on any device with an internet connection. 

2. Integration with other systems 

Although industry-specific ERP software covers almost all the necessary components for managing key processes, it is an additional investment for businesses that already use different systems to manage some of their operations. 

 ERP applications that support integration with existing business plans, help businesses reduce shipping costs and time. For example, a food producer or retailer may use a warehouse management system to collect data from scanners and conveyors to track incoming and outgoing goods in storage. When combined with ERP, the information improves order flow, records payments, updates inventory levels, and automatically triggers order fulfillment. 

3. AI-powered ERP system 

The powerful Artificial intelligence (AI) program is one of the emerging trends that is gaining popularity this year. 

AI technology accurately scans large amounts of data which is impossible when done in person. This information brings new market information to help businesses accurately predict customer needs and make decisions to minimize losses that occur when uncooked food is left on the shelf due to the expiration of your useful days or damage due to mismanagement or operating errors. 

AI also helps in process development. For example, a food and beverage producer or retailer that uses a timely inventory to deliver goods on time and reduce warehouse costs, AI enables them to identify and improve delivery schedules to maximize productivity at low cost. 

In addition, AI-based systems include voice-based help and a user-friendly interface, which translates user voice or text input and responds appropriately using information stored within ERP. 

4. Predictive Analysis 

Statistics predictive extension of ERP system installed by AI. 

ERP applications collect performance and customer data while the forecasting tool quickly analyzes this random information to reveal future food trends. 

For example, ERP software with predictive analytics software can compile customer data about their food orders to predict their change in preferences and a potential increase in demand. This information allows businesses to upgrade their production schedules or warehouse stock or arrange food delivery immediately before customer orders.  

5. Mobile Ready ERPs  

In the food and beverage business, the sale of goods historically depends on the various departments. As the epidemic has led to the closure of people and isolation from the community, not all employees are allowed to work in offices. This has led to an increase in the use of mobile devices to enter, access, and update business information.  

ERP solutions for mobile phones have become commonplace. These systems are evolving to give employees access to on-the-go business data. It enables them to manage both advanced and contextual processes from their cell phones, no matter where they are. Mobile ERP also supports staff interaction in dispersed environments. 


Shortly, food and beverage organizations may continue to ensure that their ERP software works remotely. Another trend that can be considered is the ongoing development of ERP software delivery skills to better protect businesses from disruption or rapid change.

At Global Advanced Technology LLC, we are developing ERP solutions for the future that support businesses to stay afloat and keep themselves ready for future challenges. Fill out the form so that your software-related questions can be answered directly by our product experts.