Years ago, we waited for weeks for the letter to be delivered to the mailbox. Today, however, we don’t even begin our morning until we look at the news feeds on Facebook and Instagram and read the messages on Messenger, WhatsApp, Snapchat, and LinkedIn.

What are the main types of social media apps networks?

1. Social networking sites

Most of us are aware of social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. These forums help us connect with friends, family, and products. They encourage information sharing and it’s all about personal interaction.

Social networking site Jill for all businesses. You can share anything, form groups based on their interests, and participate in lively discussions. They are built around the user and all that matters to them and their social circles. Also, they help us measure the ROI of the network that helps us plan an effective marketing strategy.

2. Public review sites

Not sure where to eat or watch movies in an unfamiliar place? Visit these sites to read more people’s reviews about different sites and their information.

3. Photo-sharing sites

Visual content such as photographs, infographics, and photographs capture our hearts, eyes, and thoughts. Social networking sites such as Instagram, Imgur, and Snapchat are designed to enhance the ability to share photos.

Users create, edit, and share unique images that stimulate conversation and express their emotions. An image can cost a thousand words in your business.

4. Video capture sites

YouTube has changed the way we look, create, and think about video. It transformed the medium into something easily accessible. Recent technological advances and communications have helped the video go the way it did.

Video hosting platforms like YouTube and Vimeo help creators combine content and share it in streaming. This accessibility makes video a very important tool.

5. Social blogs

Sometimes a picture or post is not hard enough for a message to be shared, but not everyone online wants to run a blog from a hosted website. That is a lot of work.

Shared blogging forums like Medium and Tumblr give people the opportunity to refine their ideas and help connect with readers.

They allow more space for customization and self-expression.

6. Chat sites

While most of us have seen a lot of hot chats happen on Facebook, chat sites like Reddit and Quora are specially designed to spark a conversation. Anyone is free to ask a question or make a statement, and this attracts people with similar interests and aspirations.

7. Sharing economic networks

Sites like Airbnb and Rover are not just cool places to find cheap rental places or pet breeders. Sharing economic networks brings people who have something they want to share with people who need it. These communities provide opportunities that would not exist by combining resources on a large scale that would not have been possible without technology.

Important things to consider when setting up a social media apps


Vision is not enough for any development. The development of a communication platform requires strong strategic planning and market analysis. When you analyze your target audience and understand the styles and needs of the market. Until you can understand the needs of the audience, it is not easy to make a good plan.

#Connect with the following:

if your idea is different then it is easy to design that app but if you want to build an app that already works in the market in other formats, then from the beginning you will find your opponents. People are making new apps because previous apps have some problems. So, just connect with the existing apps and find out the pons and disadvantages of that app. This strategy also helps in your application. In this activity, you can also connect with the audience and take their ideas about the app.


Social media is a good forum for reviews. When you connect on social media you can easily see the styles. People use social media to use it. They simply share their photos, videos, and thoughts. Generally, people like to build a network. It also encourages corporate growth. There are many types of social media available where you can find the target audience.


In this section, read the idea and draw a picture of the app on paper. Write down all the points you know and include the ones you want to add to the application.

Must have features of social networking app

 1. Simple and Friendly interface (UI)

One of the first things to consider during the display process of building your app is the user interface (UI). In other words, how users interact with the software. The app’s UI includes a few features, content and media structure, input controls, navigation, and more.

2. Attractive Design

Too often, new social media apps fail to benefit users because they are not poorly designed. They may have many random, unchanging things

3. Security

User information should be kept as secure as possible to prevent malware attacks or identity theft.

4. Messaging

Similar to content sharing, one of the great features of social media apps is that it allows users to send both public and personal messages to each other. Many social networking apps even offer users the option to participate in group chats and video calls.

Costs of Starting a Social Network

The average cost of creating a social media platform app like Facebook, Instagram, can range from $ 35,000 to $ 50,000 +, depending on features such as app type, features, complexity, design, software development, and other factors that influence its development costs.


It may seem very difficult to start your network plan but once you have enough plan and resources, it is possible. For expert advice contact us at CodeAres Global IT Solutions Pvt Ltd. We will assist you or improve your application from concept to fully implemented.